Sunday, December 30, 2012

Using Life Insurance in Your Estate Planning

Life InsuranceLife insurance is an important and integral part of estate planning.? Although the life insurance industry has changed significantly in the last 20 years in the products it offers and the purposes for which life insurance can be used, life insurance, in its purest form is specifically intended for estate planning.? Consequently, everyone, no matter their age or net worth, should consider using life insurance as one tool in their estate planning portfolio.

?From my perspective, life insurance is most useful in the following cases (there are more, but these are the top purposes):

  • ?First, people who have smaller sized estates who would like to create one to take care of heirs when they die. Very often, when you have young children, life insurance is a way to be sure the kids are raised and educated even if you?re not there
  • Married couples with over $2 million in net assets or who have a high probability their estate will exceed $2 million. There are interesting ways to reduce the estate tax burden on your estate using life insurance.
  • For single persons, over $1,000,000, or who have a high probability your estate will exceed $1,000,000.
  • People with an existing insurance policy in their estate who would like to remove it for tax purposes.
  • People who own businesses and and have key people they need to insure
  • Anyone with high interest in giving to charity while not reducing inheritance to heirs.
  • People with taxable, yet illiquid estates.
  • People who have businesses in which they have partners or co-shareholders, and desire to have cash to buy-out the heirs should the partner die unexpectedly.
  • My intention in this article is to focus on the situations I deal with the most; primarily, in cases where there are estate taxes that will be due on death.

The Two Tax Systems in America

Anyone who has been actively investing for any period of time understands that we have two tax systems in the U.S.: One for the uninformed, and one for the informed.? Congress relies upon Americans falling into the former category.? Each year many millions of people pay more taxes than they should.? Nowhere is this more true than in the case of estate taxes.

When World War I came along, the Revenue Act of 1916 was born.? Unlike previous estate taxes this tax did not go away.? Interestingly, this tax was not intended to raise extremely large amounts of revenue; its original purpose was to prevent the very wealthy from keeping large concentrations of wealth in the family for many generations.? President Franklin Roosevelt, speaking of the estate tax very bluntly, stated that it was based upon, ?the very sound policy of encouraging a wider distribution of wealth.?? The federal estate tax was thus created to penalize successful people in the United States.? Although the country was built upon basic capitalist concepts such as free trade and the unhindered ability of anyone in American to become successful and wealthy based upon their own personal abilities. In short, the government, through the estate tax, will force the fruits of their labor to be redistributed upon their death.? Need for capital to feed the federal government overcame the social policy against controlling its citizens.? Our government fell into the same routine as governments throughout history, by restricting ownership rights of property based upon social policy rather than revenue policy.

Opponents of the tax challenged it in the U.S. Supreme Court, but the Court held the federal estate tax to be constitutional under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, which says:

?The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform thoughout the United States.


Because the federal estate tax is not technically a tax on property, the Courts could squeeze its constitutionality into other areas of the Constitution.? Essentially, the Supreme Court was holding that the estate tax is a tax on the privilegeU.S. citizens have to give their property to another.? Because it is not a tax on the property itself, there was no requirement for Congress to attempt to change the Constitution to fit within its strict wording.

In 1935, the redistribution of wealth concept garnered even more support in Congress with a significant rise in the estate tax rates. The nature and character of the estate tax has gone through many changes over the years, with the details changing significantly down to today.? Fortunately, major changes to our tax system in 1986 and in 2001 allow citizens faced with estate taxes to take action to reduce them dramatically.? The burden of taking that action, however, rests with the citizen, and without proper education and planning, doing nothing, or doing the wrong thing, can have significant negative effects for heirs.


Estate and Gift Taxation

Currently, the estate taxation system in the United States is what is known as a ?unified? system.? This term came about as a result of Congress integrating gift taxes, estate taxes, generation-skipping taxes and excess retirement accumulations taxes. ?The implication for this is that Congress taxes both gifts during life and transfers to beneficiaries after death under the same system.? As of the writing of this article, estate tax exemptions are set to be on all estates over $1 million in 2013.


The Gift Tax

The gift tax is levied on gifts made during lifetime.? Each time a person makes a gift, the gift tax applies.? There are exceptions to this rule which will be explained below.? Federal tax regulations define a gift as a transfer made, during lifetime for less than fair market value.? In order for persons to make a gift, they must relinquish complete control over the gifted asset.


The Estate Tax

The estate tax is a transfer tax levied after death.? Congress requires that an estate tax return be filed, and any taxes due and owing be paid within nine months of the date of death.? We will discuss this issue in depth below.

Under current rules, if the gross estate exceeds $1,000,000 (2013 ? we don?t know what will happen as Congress changes the laws), estate taxes will be due and owing.? If there were taxable gifts made after 1976, that $1,000,000 threshold is reduced by the amount of those taxable gifts made.

The personal representative, or in the case of a revocable living trust, the Trustee, has responsibility for filing the estate tax return, form 706, and paying the taxes, in cash, within nine months of the date of death.


The Estate Tax Rates

The federal estate tax rates are extremely high, and the brackets are fairly small between rate increases.? For paying estates, every dollar over $1,000,000 is taxed at 41% or higher, up to a rate of 50%.? In addition, there are penalties for giving too much to generations that are more than one generation below yours, and for IRA accounts that are too large.


?Key Question:? If your estate will owe taxes, how will they be paid?

When it comes time for your estate to have to pay taxes, the key questions to be answered is how will they be paid?? The four ways estate taxes may be paid are:

1. Cash

If your estate has enough liquid assets, your estate will pay cash, within 9 months to the IRS.

2. Forced Sale

If your estate does not have enough cash, the system will require that your best assets (the most marketable) be sold to raise the money for taxes, once again, within 9 months.? The primary problem with this method is that if the asset does not have a published market value, buyers who are aware the property, business, etc. is being sold to pay taxes will probably seize the opportunity to pay less than what would otherwise be fair market value.

3. Borrow

Your personal representative may have to mortgage property in order to keep the property and still have enough money to pay taxes.? The cost of borrowing will reduce the amount ultimately destined for the heirs.? If you own a family farm and it consists of more than 25% of your estate, or if you own a closely held business and it consists of more than 35% of your estate, the government may be willing to loan the estate the money to pay off your estate tax bill.

4. ?Tax? Insurance

A life insurance policy that is either owned by your children or an irrevocable life insurance trust, will provide estate tax free liquidity, and will actually reduce your estate?s share of the cost for estate taxes.

In the situation where you are insurable, very often a life insurance policy becomes an opportunity to deeply discount your estate taxes.? In fact, the entire cost of estate taxes can be traded for the cost of premiums on a life insurance policy.? If you do not own the policy, the proceeds are not includable in your taxable estate and are therefore not taxed.? Additionally, the proceeds from a life insurance policy are not income taxable to the recipients.? The result is that the actual cost of paying off the IRS is usually dramatically reduced. On the next page is a chart illustrating just how dramatically the cost of taxes is decreased using life insurance.

There is another benefit to using life insurance.? If your estate is not very liquid; for instance, if much of your estate is a business or hard to sell property, the proceeds of the life insurance policy are immediately available to pay the taxes. This eliminates the requirement to sell the assets quickly, which increases your estate?s chances of selling the property at a much higher value.

?Financing Your Estate Tax Liability Assuming $1,000,000 Estate Tax Assessment

?Borrowing: ?????????????????????????? From a Bank (10% interest for 15 years):: $1,972,107

????? ????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? From the Government (IRC Section 6166): $1,443,459

Liquidating Assets: ???????????? Non-liquid $1,428,571

Liquid assets: $1,000,000

Purchasing Life Insurance: Term*: $538,240

Permanent: $229,247

Second to Die: $106,195

*These are for illustration purposes only: Have your Life insurance professional quote you premium costs (Assumptions: Preferred policy for 55 year old couple, assuming an 8% net rate of return)


Second to Die Policies

For married couples, there can be an even more cost-effective way to use life insurance as ?tax? insurance.? Many life insurance companies now offer a life insurance policy which is based on both lives, and only pays-off at the second death.? Because the entire purpose of ?tax? insurance policies is to provide the cash for taxes at the second death, this is a perfect product for estate planning.? The benefit to you is the fact that the premiums are generally lower than other policies, and even if one spouse is not insurable, very often the underwriters will still issue a policy.


The Advantages of Owning Life Insurance Inside an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

In order for life insurance death benefits to avoid inclusion inside your estate for estate tax purposes, the insured cannot be the owner of the policy.? If the insured is the owner, then the entire death benefit of the policy will be included in the net value of the estate.? Consequently, if the owner of the policy is someone other than the insured, it will not be included in the estate.

It is possible for the owners of the policy to be the children of the insured.? This strategy has some potential problems associated with it.? First, if the child goes through a divorce, the cash value of the policy may be subject to the divorce proceedings, and could be awarded to the in-law spouse.? Second, if the child is sued or goes through bankruptcy, a creditor could potentially get the cash value.? Third, if the child is the owner of the policy, the insured will be gifting the premium dollars to the child to pay for the policy.? Very often when faced with the choice of paying for life insurance premiums or orthodontist bills, mortgage payments or toys, the policy premium lapse.? This is one policy that the insured wants to be very careful not to allow to lapse.

If any of these situations concern the client, an irrevocable life insurance trust may be one solution.? The irrevocable life insurance trust (known to estate planners as the ?ILIT?, pronounced eye-lit) is an irrevocable trust specifically set up to hold the insurance policy. A Life Insurance Trust, frequently called a Special Family Trust, plays a unique role.? It not only enables the proceeds from life insurance policies to be available for taxes and other expenses at the time of the insured?s death, but keeps the proceeds from ever being taxable upon either the insured?s death or the surviving spouse?s death. A Life Insurance Trust is one of the most popular estate planning tools for individuals facing estate taxes.

How It Is Set Up

A Trustor cannot be a Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust.? Usually a trusted friend, an accountant, or the eventual beneficiaries (e.g. your children) will be the Trustee of the Trust.? Trustors will make contributions to the Life Insurance Trust and the Trustee has the authority to purchase policies and to pay the premiums on these policies.? By making the Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust the owner of the life insurance policies, it prevents the policies from being taxed in the estate of the insured. If however, if you die within three years of transferring an existing policy to the Trust, the proceeds will be includable in your taxable estate.? When purchasing a new policy for the Trust you should wait until the Trust is signed and then the Trustee can purchase the policy with money you contribute to the Trust.? The Trustee will be listed on the application as owner of the policy, as Trustee for the Trust.

What Happens When the Insured Dies

The beneficiary of the life insurance proceeds is the Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust so that the Trustee then has the cash which is usually needed to pay taxes.? However, the Life Insurance Trust cannot directly pay estate taxes.? The Trustee has the authority to lend money to the Trustee of your Living Trust or to buy assets from your Living Trust.? The end result is that the liquid cash needed to pay taxes is available to the Trustee of your Living Trust without having to sell significant portions of hard assets to raise the necessary cash.? The assets in the Life Insurance Trust are then distributed as you have directed, usually the same as in your Living Trust.

Types of Insurance Policies

One of the most popular types of policies for a Life Insurance Trust is a ?second-to-die? policy that just pays out when the second spouse dies; these are less expensive than policies on one life.? If a policy on one life is used and the insured predeceases the other spouse then the Trustee of the Life Insurance Trust has the discretion to make distributions to the surviving spouse.

Withdrawal Rights

Your Trust may also contain the option of giving withdrawal rights (sometimes referred to as ?Crummey? powers, named after the Crummey family involved in the case) to the beneficiaries so that contributions made by Trustors to the Trustee to pay premiums do not use up any of Trustors? estate tax lifetime exemption.? Crummey power holders are notified by the Trustee each year regarding what contributions Trustors have made to the Trust that year, then the power holders have the option of making a pro-rata withdrawal of the Trustors? contribution.? The power holders nearly always choose not to make such a withdrawal so that the Trustee can make the premium payment.

As you can see, the goal is to have the cash available to pay taxes while circumventing the IRS?s desire to take a portion of those funds for taxes. Life Insurance Trusts have been in effect for many years and can be a very effective tool in achieving your goals.


The Bottom Line: What Do You Want?

Proper estate planning is much more than mass producing wills and probating estates.

Proper estate planning is a process in which professionals, including an attorney who concentrates his or her practice on estate planning, spends significant time with you, asking the right questions, in order to understand your needs, your concerns and the objectives for your estate.

When you and your attorney reach a mutual understanding of those needs, the attorney will prepare the highest quality legal documents that will assure your control of your property while you are alive, that you and your loved ones are taken care of if you become disabled, and enable you to give what you have to whom you want, the way you want, and when you want, at the same time saving every last tax dollar, professional fee, and court cost possible.

Whether you want to plan using life insurance or not should be your decision, based upon your particular circumstances and personality.? There is no one right answer for anyone.? Having an estate planning attorney help you through the process, however, will be an important investment of your time.

In an age of increasing complexity and specialization, it is good advice to seek a competent estate planning attorney rather than someone who does estate planning part-time.? Many practitioners will offer free initial consultations and will quote flat fees for their services.? If you do not know an estate planning attorney, you can find them by asking friends and relatives, your local estate planning council, your financial planner, stockbroker or insurance agent, or by contacting your local estate planning council.

If you have an interest in talking with a life insurance professional, and do not have a relationship with one, let me know. I?m happy to make a referral.



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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Marriott includes job training as part of social responsibility ...

As part of a social responsibility initiative, Marriott International is offering job- and life-skills training to young people with disabilities?and then helping them find jobs, often at Marriott hotels.

In 21 years, the hotelier?s Foun??da?tion for People with Disabilities has placed more than 13,500 youths in jobs with 3,500 employers, including Marriott, in nine U.S. cities. The effort is part of the foundation?s ?World of Opportunity? program, which addresses youth unemployment with training and job placement around the world.

Mari Snyder, VP of social responsibility, notes that the programs help prepare Marriott?s future employees, especially in other countries. She said two-thirds of the company?s 100,000 new hires over the next two years will come from outside the United States.

She added that sustainability requires both job creation and environmental stewardship. Marriott?s 2011-2012 Su?s??tain??abil??ity Report showcases the company?s environmental, economic and social responsibility efforts, including reduced water consumption at hotels, human rights training for Marriott associates around the world and a $2 million commitment to protect Brazilian rain forests.

Contact: Felicia McLemore of Marriott, (301) 380-2702.

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2012 Social Business and Customer Service Trends | Moxie ...

2012 Social Business TrendsWe get contemplative at the end of every year. Did we do everything we set out to do? Did we meet our goals? What were the best movies we?ve seen or books we?ve read?

Maybe our year-in-review helps us predict what?s coming in the new year, or at least think about how we?ll approach things differently.

Social business and customer service have certainly seen lots of moving and shaking in 2012. Here are some of the trends that may be foreshadowing the year to come.

Social business grows up: quantifying social

Remember back in 2009 when ?social? was the new business buzzword? The world knew this was a revolution and everyone wanted to be a part of it. The only problem was that people didn?t quite know how to fit it into their budgets, how to track investments ? how to measure it.

This year marks major improvements toward wrapping numbers around social business. McKinsey?s study of the social economy exploded last summer, with predictions that the industry will add $1.3 TRILLION in annual revenue.

After years of trial and error, companies are learning where money is being wasted in social media and are modifying their course.

Stop blocking social media at work! Studies are proving the benefits of social, such as how collaboration tools are boosting productivity.

It?s safe to say that social business has grown up and, most likely, will continue to mature as technology laggards catch up.

Mobile explodes, putting new pressures on business

With the variety of mobile devices (both smartphones and tablets) now available, the ubiquity of data access, and increasing reliance on information anywhere, mobile sales are exploding with no end in sight.

That means more online business, sales, and customer service is being tapped, adding extra pressure to operations internally and externally.

Businesses are scrambling to tap the benefits of mobile, but not without encountering challenges. IT professionals are learning the role of mobile within the enterprise ? no overnight task.? When it comes to customer experience, move it or lose it: 73% of mobile users feel companies don?t deserve their loyalty if their needs aren?t being met. Ouch.

When it comes to the future of mobile, it?s looking more and more interactive.

Customer service gets way more social

If a customer complains about a product or service and the business isn?t around to hear it? everyone else will be. Studies show that nearly half of all social media users (and that?s a lot) look to social media for customer service. This year has been all about gearing up on the strategies, tactics, and tools to give better customer experiences through social.

Analysts are predicting that internal collaboration tools will be essential to keeping up with customers in 2013. Many businesses are adopting social customer experience management software.

What?s more, we?re seeing more traditional CRM giants acquiring or integrating agile social capabilities from third parties into their software. Perhaps this is the beginning of making all business more social in 2013 and beyond!

What trends have you seen in 2012? What do you think 2013 has in store for social business?

Tags: enterprise social software, social business
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The Joys of Sharing!! | Sohodox | Document Management Software ...

Managing information overload is not just a big company problem. Small businesses are equally affected by it. However unlike larger businesses, small businesses cannot throw money and resources at the problem. They need to find solutions, which do not strain their resources.

The good news is that once a challenge is clearly identified, small businesses are usually good at finding quick, smart and affordable solutions. So to start the year here is a little post on why sharing information should be one of the most crucial information management challenges that small business should tackle in 2013 ?

Share Better

You as the small business owner control access to a majority of information in your business.? Though there is no way around this in the initial years, as your business grows this can start acting as a bottleneck.

As you add more employees to your business you expect them to perform various business functions as well as you did. But do they have access to same amount and quality of information as you do? Can they succeed without it? Definitely not!

Though there are valid reasons for withholding certain information (for e.g. some financial data or passwords etc.), the bulk of the small business information remains inaccessible simply because that is the way it has always been! Security and privacy may seem like the reasons behind this but that is not normally the case. Inertia and fear of the unknown are more likely to be the reasons for information to remain locked up.

Opening up access to such information to employees can sometimes have magical consequences. Different minds notice different patterns, learn different things and arrive at different conclusion. The value of getting so many points of view cannot be calculated.

May be you are paying too much for a service which an employee knows how to get for cheaper. May be employees will notice that they are spending too much time on a client and the business is not making enough in return.

What to Share

Rather than making a list of information/documents that you want to share, you could do the opposite. Make a list of information/documents that you would not be comfortable sharing. Hope this will not be a very large list! Now go ahead and share the rest.

How to Share

A system like SOHODOX makes it really simply to put everything in one place so it becomes easy to share. The next big task is to decide how you will organize everything. After all if something cannot be easily found then sharing it would not be very useful. So decide the kind of folder hierarchy you will use to organize your documents, use tags (labels) liberally to provide multiple ways to find the same document.? For example Invoices from January 2013 might go into the Invoices > Jan 2013 folder but you might want to additionally label each invoice as Unpaid or Paid.

If you come up with an intuitive system for finding documents, it will ensure that employees will use the same system while adding new documents. This will make your information repository more valuable with each passing day.


Notice if your system is being used and keep tweaking things based on feedback from staff. You should notice a drop in the number of times you are contacted for information by your staff. You should see staff accessing information by themselves and making decisions faster. In short not only will your business be more efficient but you will find more time to focus on other aspects of your business.

What better New Year gift could you ask for your business! So go ahead, share and enjoy!

In the spirit of sharing we would love it, if you shared this blog post with your colleagues and friends!


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Online Learning and Upheavals in Social Networks - Technology ...

Live and learn: Everybody went mobile in 2012 (or so it seemed), but the most groundbreaking movement on the Web may have been the rise of digital education.

For all the attention lavished on the Web?s growth on mobile devices this year, one of the most interesting Internet trends is still best experienced on a desktop computer: online education.

The rising cost of higher education (the average bachelor?s degree now costs more than $100,000), combined with increasing access to high-speed Internet service and a desire for more efficient and flexible learning methods, brought new prominence to websites offering free or low-priced courses in everything from programming to literature.

Free online code-learning startup Codecademy?s effort to teach novices to code snagged more than 400,000 participants for its weekly lessons in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Harvard and MIT joined forces to create edX, a $60 million nonprofit company that streams free college courses online, while nearly three dozen schools?including Stanford and Princeton?formed their own free online course site, Coursera, which has more than 1.5 million users so far.

Udacity, cofounded by Sebastian Thrun, a Google Fellow and former Stanford researcher, started out by offering a single Stanford artificial intelligence class online for free. It has since grown and now offers 19 different free courses, mostly geared toward computer science and math. And Duolingo, a free crowdsourced language-learning startup cocreated by Carnegie Mellon University professor Luis von Ahn, has about 300,000 users per week learning French, Spanish, English, Italian, German, and Portuguese.

Perhaps the most ambitious (and highly funded) online education offering unveiled in the last year was the Minerva Project, which raised $25 million from Benchmark Capital for its plan to offer a completely online college education for about $25,000 a year. We?ll have to wait to gauge the Minerva Project?s impact, though: it?s not starting classes until 2015.

Despite the initial wave of enthusiasm, it?s not yet clear whether many of these startups or universities will be able to form sustainable business models, or if online classes can really work well on a large scale (many of the students that sign up for classes don?t actually complete them).

Fortunately, because they operate on the Web, these education efforts are able to gather lots of data about how their students are learning?potentially useful for tweaking lessons and improving performance.

Another segment of the Web that experienced major changes in 2012 was social networking. More than eight years after it began in Mark Zuckerberg?s Harvard dorm room, Facebook crossed the billion-user milestone in October.

The leading social network also became a publicly traded company, albeit not a particularly successful one; the stock began trading on May 18 at $42; as of Wednesday, it had declined to $26.51. This move means that Facebook, which is constantly gathering more data about our lives, is now facing even greater pressure to find ways to profit from this information. Facebook bought the popular photo-sharing service Instagram in a bid to beef up its own photo-sharing offerings and capitalize on Instagram?s influence as a standalone app. Facebook set the acquisition price at $1 billion in April, but the stock and cash deal was worth about $715 million when it closed in August due to the drop in Facebook?s share price.

Pinterest, a social-curation site founded by Ben Silbermann that lets you ?pin? interesting items found online to virtual pinboards, emerged in 2012 as one of the most popular social networking sites. Though Pinterest launched back in 2010, it suddenly ascended early this year. In April, a report from Experian Marketing Services named it the third most popular social network behind Facebook and Twitter.

Of course, more and more of the Web was experienced on smartphones and tablets in 2012. The first time smartphones and tablets outsold personal computers?was 2011, and that trend continued in 2012. Mobile Internet usage has been rising quickly?it accounted for 13 percent of Web traffic in November?and it?s expected to grow more dramatically. According to IDC, the number of mobile users is expected to climb from 174 million this year to 265 million in 2016, with more of us accessing the Web with a mobile device than with a PC in 2015. So if you?re not already reading this story on a smartphone or tablet, chances are you will be soon.


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Russian police free child hostage, kill seven militants in Dagestan

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian security forces killed seven militants and freed a 6-year-old girl taken hostage in the restive Dagestan region of Russia's volatile North Caucasus on Saturday, a national anti-terrorism committee official told Interfax news agency.

The incident took place in an apartment building in the provincial capital of Makhachkala, according to the Interfax report. The militants broke through a wall, entered an apartment and took the girl hostage, according to the report.

"However, as a result of coordinated and professional actions of the special forces, the child was set free and the remaining bandits were neutralized," an anti-terrorism committee representative was quoted as saying.

The Interfax report identified the leader of the militants involved in the incident as Gadzhimurat Dolgatov and said he was among the seven killed. The report said those killed had previously served sentences for crimes including murder, extortion, theft and robbery.

During the incident, the militants opened fire and threw a grenade at the special forces personnel while trying to flee, but no security forces were hurt, Interfax reported.

Rebels who say they are fighting for an Islamic state in the strip of North Caucasus provinces often target police and security forces as well as government officials and mainstream Muslim leaders in attacks.

Rights activists say the insurgency is also driven by poverty and anger at the heavy-handed tactics of the Russian security forces.

(Reporting by Nastassia Astrasheuskaya; Editing by Will Dunham)


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

EUR/USD: Euro gained as investor cheered ... - GCI Forex News

GCI Forex News - EUR/USD: Euro gained as investor cheered positive US economic data, trading lower this morning



EURUSD Movement

For the 24 hours to 23:00 GMT, EUR rose 0.18% against the USD and closed at 1.3237, as risk appetite increased among investors after the US government revised its Q3 FY2012 gross domestic product growth rates higher than expected.

In the US, on a quarterly basis, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose to an annualised rate of 3.1% in 3Q FY2012, compared to a growth of 2.7% initially reported. Moreover, exports increased 1.9% in the 3Q FY2012, following a 5.3% rise recorded in the previous quarter, while imports fell 0.6% in 3Q FY2012, following a 2.8% increase reported in the previous quarter. Also, consumer spending rose 1.6% in 3QFY2012, compared to 1.4% increase previously reported, and a rise of 1.5% in the 2Q FY2012. Moreover, the Conference Board reported that on a monthly basis, its leading economic index in the US fell 0.2% in November, in line with the market expectations and compared to a revised 0.3% rise recorded in October. Separately, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that, the existing home sales rose 5.9% to an annual rate of 5.04 million in November, marking its highest level since November 2009 and compared to a downwardly revised 4.76 million recorded in October.

Meanwhile, in the Euro-zone, consumer confidence rose to -26.6 in December, from -26.9 in November.

In Germany, the producer price index edged down 0.1% in November, after staying flat in the previous month. Economists were looking for a 0.2% decline. Separately, import prices remained unchanged compared to October, when they decreased by 0.6%. The index was forecast to fall 0.2% (MoM) in November.

In the Asian session, at GMT0400, the pair is trading at 1.3194, with the EUR trading 0.33% lower from yesterday?s close.

The pair is expected to find support at 1.3151, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.3108. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.3266, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.3338.

Trading trends in the pair today are expected to be determined by the release of consumer confidence survey data in Germany. Important releases in the US include core personal consumption expenditure price index, Reuters/Michigan consumer sentiment index and personal spending data.

The currency pair is trading below its 20 Hr and 50 Hr moving average.


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fitch warns fiscal cliff could cost U.S. its AAA rating

LONDON (Reuters) - Ratings firm Fitch said on Wednesday it is more likely to strip the United States of its triple-A status if a political deal is not reached to halt $600 billion of spending cuts and tax hikes set for early next year.

"Failure to avoid the fiscal cliff ... would exacerbate rather than diminish the uncertainty over fiscal policy, and tip the U.S. into an avoidable and unnecessary recession," Fitch said in its 2013 global outlook, published on Wednesday.

"That could erode medium-term growth potential and financial stability. In such a scenario, there would be an increased likelihood that the U.S. would lose its AAA status."

Fitch currently assigns the United States its highest rating but with a negative outlook. Peer Standard & Poor's has already downgraded the world's biggest economy, lowering the United States to AA+ in August 2011 - a move which appears to have done little to dull the attraction of U.S. bonds for investors.

Fitch added that an agreement on a multi-year deficit reduction plan to stabilize U.S. debt and public finances was likely to see the country keep its triple-A rating.

However, it went on to say that: "failure to put in place a credible fiscal consolidation strategy during 2013 would be likely to result in the U.S. losing its AAA status."

(for links click and

(Reporting by Marc Jones; Editing by Catherine Evans)


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Samsung's latest addition to its Galaxy line-up—the Grand—has just been announced. Sadly, it's not clear that it entirely lives up to its name. More »


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Monday, December 17, 2012

McDonald's Wants Its Stores Open On Christmas ... - Business Insider

Good morning, AdLand. Here's what you need to know today:

Ad Age reports that an internal McDonald's memo from USA COO Jim Johannesen urges franchises to stay open during Christmas to boost sales numbers. The fast food giant stayed open on Thanksgiving, which led to sales growth of 2.5 percent when sales were down 2.2 percent in October. McD's employees will not, however, receive overtime for working on the federal holiday, a company spokesperson told Ad Age. "The staff voluntarily sign up to work. There is no regular overtime pay," spokesperson Heather Oldani says. Those volunteers earn $8.25 an hour and receive negative performance reviews if they smell like the food they serve, according to The Charlotte Observer.

MillerCoors,?which once mocked the Super Bowl, now bought a SB spot on local stations for Redd's Apple. (It would be pricier if it bought for the national broadcast.)

Kantar Media reports that U.S. advertising expenditures increased 7.1 percent in the third quarter. This is largely due to the Summer Olympics and November's presidential race.

Porsche is having a?creative review?that its incumbent agency Cramer-Krasselt will take part in.

Red Square, an Alabama-based shop, promoted employees Sarah Jones and Elena Freed to the roles of president and EVP/COO, respectively.

The IAB commissioned a political cartoon about what the FTC's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act will do to Christmas.

Digiday collected a list of advertising superlatives of 2012.

Previously on Business Insider Advertising:


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Hollywood responds to deadly Conn. school shooting

This undated publicity image released by The Weinstein Company shows, Christoph Waltz as Schultz, left, and Jamie Foxx as Django in the film, "Django Unchained," directed by Quentin Tarantino. Foxx says Hollywood should take some responsibility for tragedies such as the deadly school shooting in Connecticut on Friday, Dec. 14, 2012. In an interview Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012, Foxx said actors cannot "turn their back" on that fact that movie violence can "influence" people. (AP Photo/The Weinstein Company, Andrew Cooper, SMPSP)

This undated publicity image released by The Weinstein Company shows, Christoph Waltz as Schultz, left, and Jamie Foxx as Django in the film, "Django Unchained," directed by Quentin Tarantino. Foxx says Hollywood should take some responsibility for tragedies such as the deadly school shooting in Connecticut on Friday, Dec. 14, 2012. In an interview Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012, Foxx said actors cannot "turn their back" on that fact that movie violence can "influence" people. (AP Photo/The Weinstein Company, Andrew Cooper, SMPSP)

(AP) ? Hollywood has responded to the rampage at a Connecticut elementary school by pulling back on its offerings, and one star says the entertainment industry should take some responsibility for such violence.

Jamie Foxx, one of the industry's biggest stars, said Saturday as he promoted Quentin Tarantino's upcoming ultra-violent spaghetti Western-style film about slavery, "Django Unchained," that actors can't ignore the fact that movie violence can influence people.

"We cannot turn our back and say that violence in films or anything that we do doesn't have a sort of influence," Foxx said in an interview on Saturday. "It does."

In true Tarantino form, buckets of blood explode from characters as they are shot or shredded to pieces by rabid dogs in "Django Unchained."

Despite Friday's mass shooting, the press junket for the movie, which opens in theaters Christmas Day, continued in New York as scheduled on Saturday.

Tarantino, whose credits include "Pulp Fiction" and the "Kill Bill" volumes, said he was tired of defending his films each time the nation is shocked by gun violence. He said "tragedies happen" and blame should fall on those guilty of the crimes.

Foxx's co-star Kerry Washington said she believes the film's explicit brutality serves an important purpose in educating audiences about the atrocities of slavery.

"I do think that it's important when we have the opportunity to talk about violence and not just kind of have it as entertainment, but connect it to the wrongs, the injustices, the social ills," she said.

In the Newtown, Conn., massacre on Friday, a gunman killed his mother and then went to an elementary school, where he killed six adults and 20 children before committing suicide.

In response, premieres for Tom Cruise's new action movie, "Jack Reacher," in Pittsburgh and the family comedy "Parental Guidance" in Los Angeles were postponed.

Also, Fox pulled new episodes of "Family Guy" and "American Dad" that were to air Sunday to avoid potentially sensitive content. The originally scheduled episode of "Family Guy" had Peter telling his own version of the nativity story. The "American Dad" episode told the story of a demon that punished naughty children at Christmas. Both series plan to substitute reruns.

Fox also confirmed that a scheduled repeat of "The Cleveland Show" for Sunday was swapped for another rerun of that series out of the same concern.



"Django Unchained":


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Friday, December 14, 2012

Leading conservative says Obama will win tax fight (The Arizona Republic)

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"Homeland" leads old favorites in Golden Globes TV race

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Cable shows got more Golden Globe nominations for television than traditional network programs on Thursday as HBO's political movie "Game Change" and Showtime's psychological thriller series "Homeland," - one of last year's big winners - led the race.

"Homeland" led the TV drama category with four nominations including best drama, best actor for Damian Lewis and best actress for Claire Danes in her role as a bi-polar CIA agent tracking down a home-grown Muslim extremist.

The show faces stiff competition from British aristocratic drama "Downton Abbey, which also won an acting nod for Michelle Dockery, along with "Breaking Bad," "Boardwalk Empire," and newcomer "The Newsroom."

"'Homeland' fans seemed to be a little more split on whether creatively the second season was as successful as the first season so it'll be curious if that ends up impacting the show's chances in terms of taking home the awards," James Hibberd, senior staff writer at Entertainment Weekly, told Reuters.

"Downtown Abbey" creator Julian Fellowes told Reuters: "We're up against the big boys now, but the whole thing is very flattering and exciting."

He added: "The themes of the show are pretty international, they're about adjusting to change and being caught out by what life does to you...all of that is common to every country."

HBO movie "Game Change," about the surprise selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential campaign, landed five nods in the miniseries/movie category, including for actors Julianne Moore and Woody Harrelson.

"'Game Change' is pure awards bait. It's a well-done, smart political drama based on a book, with a certain amount of left-wing political slant and it's very much the type of movie you'd expect awards voters to like," Hibberd said.

New HBO drama "The Newsroom" bumped long-time awards favorite "Mad Men" from the best drama category, surprising many who believed the stylish advertising series was a shoo-in.

"The Globes tend to like the glamorous and sophisticated dramas with big city settings and they tend to shy away from gritty, rural Americana dramas...about sweaty guys with guns instead of charming men in suits, like 'The Newsroom' and 'Boardwalk Empire,'" Hibberd said.

He noted that the only exception was "Breaking Bad," which finally made the best drama category this year after four seasons on air.

Other notable snubs included HBO's epic fantasy drama "Game of Thrones," which failed to pick up any nominations, and Ryan Murphy's miniseries "American Horror Story: Asylum" which landed one best actress nod for Jessica Lange, who took home the award for 2012.


While last year's Golden Globes picked newcomers over staple awards favorites for leading nominees, this year's comedy categories saw the return of many old faces, including "Modern Family," which led the comedy race with three nods.

Comedians Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, who will be hosting the awards ceremony on January 13, each landed a best comedy actress nod in the television race for their long-popular NBC comedies - Fey for "30 Rock" and Poehler for "Parks and Recreation."

"You can be sure that the hosts are going to have fun with this during the telecast, they're going to find ways to play off this during their presentation," Hibberd said.

Fey and Poehler will replace Ricky Gervais at the awards gala dinner, after the British comedian helmed the Globes with his risqu? dry humor for three years.

HBO's raunchy new comedy "Girls" earned two key nominations in the best TV comedy category and best comedy actress for Lena Dunham, while Showtime's new satire "House of Lies" landed the show's lead Don Cheadle a best actor nod.

With the exception of NBC's musical comedy "Smash" in the best comedy series category, no new network comedies managed to break into key races, which Hibberd attributed to a "disappointing" fall season.

Cable channel HBO picked up 17 nominations and Showtime garnered 7 across all major television categories. Networks ABC had 5, CBS and NBC got 4, and Fox got 2.

(Reporting By Piya Sinha-Roy, editing by Jill Serjeant)


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GOgroove BlueGate Bluetooth Audio Receiver Adds Wireless Audio to Your Car or Home Speakers

GOgroove BlueGate Bluetooth Audio Receiver Adds Wireless Audio to Your Car or Home SpeakersNot all cars nor home speakers come with Bluetooth audio built-in, but chances are you've got an auxiliary input and a means of charging a device over USB in both situations. If that's the case, you can add Bluetooth audio easily and cheaply with GOgroove's BlueGate audio receiver.

Many inexpensive Bluetooth audio adapters don't charge over USB. We don't know why, but USB adapters tended to demand a premium. The GOgroove Bluegate, on the other hand, costs less than $30, charges over USB, and plugs into any standard headphone (1/8" TRS) port. It even comes with a free coupler in case you need to extend its very short cable. If you're adding Bluetooth audio to your car, you just need an inexpensive USB car charger to keep the device running strong and an auxiliary port to connect it to your car's audio system. Many newer vehicles provide a power port and the auxiliary input in the little storage compartment between the front seats, allowing you to hide the Bluetooth audio adapter and pretend it's part of the car.

The GOgroove BlueGate will stream your music no problem, but if you want to make hands-free calls over Bluetooth it's not the device for you. It does not come with a built-in microphone, so be prepared to make calls the old-fashioned way if you decide to purchase one of these receivers.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

98% Brooklyn Castle

All Critics (45) | Top Critics (20) | Fresh (44) | Rotten (1)

"Brooklyn Castle" easily checkmates your inner cynic.

Katie Dellamaggiore's lively and affecting documentary introduces us to a cast of characters that's very winning (in both senses of the word).

It's not To Sir, With Love: It's fierce ambition, the channeling of emotion, and hours of drilling.

Enlightening, inspiring and expertly crafted.

An irresistibly uplifting doc.

Castle is suspenseful, funny and, particularly in its depiction of the challenging home lives of some of the kids, moving.

... a powerful and positive story about dedicated teachers helping kids succeed no matter what their circumstances

Like chess, not exactly a high-energy experience but seeing what these kids accomplish, seemingly against all odds is breathtaking all the same.

...provides a corrective to the popular image of American schools as obsessed with sports and popularity, and it makes the strongest possible case for funding after-school activities.

Chess, brilliant young students and great teachers potent mix.

The I.S. 318 team? A delightfully motley, vulnerable, multicultural bunch, whose addiction to chess has allowed them higher aspirations for top high schools and, eventually, college and careers. You will root for them like crazy.

We meet five of the team's members and several of their teachers; by its end, you'll be rooting for them all.

"BROOKLYN CASTLE is a compelling, engaging and inspiring Documentary, featuring Junior High kids that you can relate to. Even if you don't know the game of Chess all too well, it won't stop you from enjoying this pleasant film."

Brooklyn Castle provides a snapshot of indomitable American can-do attitude, and gives one hope.

The admirable Brooklyn Castle transcends its formula to become an optimistic look at extracurricular education and young people.

Great story, well-made, what's not to like?

It's clear that chess isn't just a game; for these students, it can also open doors.

No quotes approved yet for Brooklyn Castle. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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Geminid meteors set to light up winter sky

Dec. 12, 2012 ? On the evening of December 13 and the morning of 14 December, skywatchers across the world will be looking up as the Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak, in potentially one of the best night sky events of the year.

At its peak and in a clear, dark sky tens of 'shooting stars' or meteors may be visible each hour. Meteors are the result of small particles entering Earth's atmosphere at high speed, burning up and super-heating the air around them, which then shines as a characteristic short-lived streak of light. In this case the debris is associated with the asteroidal object 3200 Phaethon, which many astronomers believe to be an extinct comet.

The meteors appear to originate from a 'radiant' in the constellation of Gemini, hence the name Geminid. By 0200 GMT on 14 December the radiant will be almost overhead from the UK, making it ideally placed for observers. As a bonus, the Moon will not be present in the sky on the morning of maximum activity so the prospects for a good view of the shower are excellent. And unlike many astronomical phenomena, meteors are best seen without a telescope (and are also perfectly safe to watch).

Meteors in the Geminid shower are less well known than those at other times of year, probably because the weather in December is less reliable. But those who brave the cold can be rewarded with a fine view. In comparison with other showers, Geminid meteors travel fairly slowly, at around 35 km (22 miles) per second, are bright and have a yellowish hue, making them distinct and easy to spot.

According to the International Meteor Organisation, which coordinates meteor observations, the Geminids meteor shower will peak at around 2330 GMT on 13 December, but the highest level activity is spread over a period lasting a day or more. This means that if conditions are clear even casual observers may want to take a look until Saturday morning.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Royal Astronomical Society (RAS).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Cassini spots mini Nile River on Saturn's moon Titan

Dec. 12, 2012 ? Scientists with NASA's Cassini mission have spotted what appears to be a miniature, extraterrestrial likeness of Earth's Nile River: a river valley on Saturn's moon Titan that stretches more than 200 miles (400 kilometers) from its "headwaters" to a large sea. It is the first time images have revealed a river system this vast and in such high resolution anywhere other than Earth.

Scientists deduce that the river, which is in Titan's north polar region, is filled with liquid hydrocarbons because it appears dark along its entire length in the high-resolution radar image, indicating a smooth surface.

"Though there are some short, local meanders, the relative straightness of the river valley suggests it follows the trace of at least one fault, similar to other large rivers running into the southern margin of this same Titan sea," said Jani Radebaugh, a Cassini radar team associate at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. "Such faults -- fractures in Titan's bedrock -- may not imply plate tectonics, like on Earth, but still lead to the opening of basins and perhaps to the formation of the giant seas themselves."

The new image is available online at: .

Titan is the only other world we know of that has stable liquid on its surface. While Earth's hydrologic cycle relies on water, Titan's equivalent cycle involves hydrocarbons such as ethane and methane. In Titan's equatorial regions, images from Cassini's visible-light cameras in late 2010 revealed regions that darkened due to recent rainfall. Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer confirmed liquid ethane at a lake in Titan's southern hemisphere known as Ontario Lacus in 2008.

"Titan is the only place we've found besides Earth that has a liquid in continuous movement on its surface," said Steve Wall, the radar deputy team lead, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "This picture gives us a snapshot of a world in motion. Rain falls, and rivers move that rain to lakes and seas, where evaporation starts the cycle all over again. On Earth, the liquid is water; on Titan, it's methane; but on both it affects most everything that happens."

The radar image here was taken on Sept. 26, 2012. It shows Titan's north polar region, where the river valley flows into Kraken Mare, a sea that is, in terms of size, between the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea on Earth. The real Nile River stretches about 4,100 miles (6,700 kilometers). The processes that led to the formation of Earth's Nile are complex, but involve faulting in some regions.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and ASI, the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The radar instrument was built by JPL and the Italian Space Agency, working with team members from the US and several European countries. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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